主讲人李陶:Mutually Unbiased Measurement Based Entanglement Witnesses
报告题目: Mutually Unbiased Measurement Based Entanglement Witnesses
报告人:李陶 副教授 4556银河国际在线
报告地点:腾讯会议 ID:358 7897 9396
We study entanglement witness and present a construction of entanglement witnesses in terms of the mutually unbiased measurements (MUMs). These witnesses include the entanglement witnesses constructed from mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) as a special case. Comparing with the dimension dependence of MUBs, the witnesses can be always constructed from a complete set of d+1 MUMs for any dimension d. We show that our witness can detect entanglement better than previous separability criterion given also by MUMs. And the approach can be experimentally implemented.