

  • 邮箱:20220940@btbu.edu.cn



    4556银河国际在线副教授,硕士生导师。中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院特别研究助理(博士后),东北财经大学与加拿大女皇大学联合培养博士。兼任Data Science and Management期刊青年编委。IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,Applied EnergyInternational Journal of ForecastingSCI期刊匿名审稿人。


    主要从事大数据分析与挖掘、统计分析建模在能源环境系统预测等方面的研究。现已在国际学术期刊Applied EnergyEnergyRenewable Energy等发表SCI/SSCI学术论文10余篇,其中2篇入选ESI全球工程技术领域前1%TOP高被引论文。












    1. 2017年,美国大学生数学建模竞赛二等奖1项(指导教师)

    2. 2016年,美国大学生数学建模竞赛一等奖1项,二等奖1项(指导教师)。



    1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,大规模风电并网过程中提升风能资源利用水平的若干对策与应用研究,执行年份(20221-202412月),30万,主持人;

    2. 69批中国博士后科学基金面上项目,基于非线性特征分析的风功率爬坡事件识别和概率预测研究,执行年份(20211-202312月),优秀结题,5万,主持人;

    3. 国家社会科学基金重大项目数字字金融提升产业链供应链韧性的效应、机制与实现路径研究执行年份(20237-202512月)20主要成员

    4. 国家社会科学基金面上项目,基于集成学习的预测方法及其在全球大宗商品市场预测中的应用研究,执行年份(20231-202612月)48万,主要成员

    5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目基于集成学习的预测方法及其在全球大宗商品市场预测中的应用研究,执行年份(20231-202612月)48主要成员;

    6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目基于多源大数据和分解集成方法论的旅游需求预测方法研究,执行年份(20231-202612月)48万,主要成员

    7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目大规模风电并网管理中的风能资源评估与预测研究,执行年份(20171-202012月)48万,主要成员

    8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目电网安全预警管理中的负荷预测研究及应用,执行年份(20121-202012月)48主要成员



    1. Heng, J., Hong, Y., Hu, J., & Wang, S*. Probabilistic and deterministic wind speed forecasting based on non-parametric approaches and wind characteristics information. Applied Energy, 306 (2022), 118029. (SCIJCRQ1IF11.446)

    2. Heng, J., Wang, J*., Xiao, L., & Lu, H. Research and application of a combined model based on frequent pattern growth algorithm and multi-objective optimization for solar radiation forecasting. Applied Energy, 208 (2017), 845-866. (SCIJCRQ1IF11.446)

    3. Heng, J., Wang, C.*, Zhao, X., & Xiao, L. Research and application based on adaptive boosting strategy and modified CGFPA algorithm: A case study for wind speed forecasting. Sustainability, 8 (2016), 235. (SCI/SSCIJCRQ1IF3.889)

    4. Heng, J., Wang, C.*, Zhao, X., & Wang, J. A hybrid forecasting model based on empirical mode decomposition and the cuckoo search algorithm: a case study for power load. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, (2016). (SCIJCRQ2IF1.430)

    5. Hu, J., Heng, J*., Wen, J., & Zhao, W. Deterministic and probabilistic wind speed forecasting with de-noising-reconstruction strategy and quantile regression based algorithm. Renewable Energy, 162 (2020), 1208-1226. (SCIJCRQ1IF8.634)

    6. Hu, J., Heng, J*., Tang, J., & Guo, M. (2018). Research and application of a hybrid model based on Meta learning strategy for wind power deterministic and probabilistic forecasting. Energy Conversion and Management, 173 (2020), 197-209. (SCIJCRQ1IF11.533)

    7. Wang, J., Heng, J.*, Xiao, L., & Wang, C. Research and application of a combined model based on multi-objective optimization for multi-step ahead wind speed forecasting. Energy, 125 (2017), 591-613. (SCIJCRQ1IF8.857) # (ESI) 高被引文章/1%引用文章

    8. Lu, H., Heng, J*., & Wang, C. An AI-based hybrid forecasting model for wind speed forecasting. In International Conference on Neural Information Processing,. Springer, Cham. 2017, November: pp. 221-230

    9. Du, Z., Heng, J., Niu, M., & Sun, S*. An innovative ensemble learning air pollution early-warning system for China based on incremental extreme learning machine. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 12 (2021), 101153. (SCIJCRQ1IF4.831)10. Wu, H., Liang, Y., Heng, J., Ma, C., & Gao, X. MSV-net: Multi-scale visual-inspired network for short-term electricity price forecasting. Energy, 291 (2024), 130350

    11. Wu, H., Liang, Y., & Heng, J. Pulse-diagnosis-inspired multi-feature extraction deep network for short-term electricity load forecasting. Applied Energy, 339 (2023), 120995

    12. Tang, J., Hu, J., Heng, J., & Liu, Z. A novel Bayesian ensembling model for wind power forecasting. Heliyon, 8 (2022), e11599. (SCIJCRQ1IF3.776)

    13. Li, R., Hu, Y., Heng, J., & Chen, X*. A novel multi-scale forecasting model for crude oil price time series. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 173 (2021), 121181. (SCIJCRQ1IF10.884)

    14. Liu, T., Liu, S*., Heng, J., & Gao, Y. A new hybrid approach for wind speed forecasting applying support vector machine with ensemble empirical mode decomposition and cuckoo search algorithm. Applied Sciences-Basel, 8 (2018), 1754. (SCIJCRQ2IF2.838)

    15. Jiang, P., Yang, H*. , & Heng, J. A hybrid forecasting system based on fuzzy time series and multi-objective optimization for wind speed forecasting. Applied Energy, 235 (2019), 786-801. (SCIJCRQ1IF11.446) # (ESI) 高被引文章/ 1%引用文章

    16. Wu, H., Liang, Y., Gao, X., & Heng, J. Bionic-inspired oil price prediction: Auditory multi-feature collaboration network. Expert Systems with Applications, 244 (2024), 122971

    17. Hu, J., Luo, Q., Tang, J., Heng, J., & Deng, Y. Conformalized temporal convolutional quantile regression networks for wind power interval forecasting. Energy, (2022). 123497. (SCIJCRQ1IF8.857).
